EA Connector for Redmine
EA Connector for Redmine is an add-in tool for connecting elements in the UML modelling tool Enterprise Architect with Redmine tickets and converting their attributes bidirectionally. Enterprise Architect elements include requirements, changes, use cases, test elements, issues, features, tasks, tests and defects.
Redmine is a web-based open source tool for software project management and defect tracking. The Enterprise Architect tool is particularly effective when it comes to showing a basis or results of discussions in structured images. EA Connector for Redmine allows us to make the most of the features of both tools by connecting Redmine tickets to Enterprise Architect elements and converting their attributes bidirectionally.

Function overview of the EA Connector for Redmine:
Exporting elements created in Enterprise Architect to Redmine tickets
Importing Redmine tickets into Enterprise Architect elements
Convert attributes of Enterprise Architect elements into attributes of Redmine tickets
Convert attributes of Redmine tickets into attributes of Enterprise Architect elements
Convert links to parent tickets in Redmine to parent-child relationships when importing Redmine tickets into Enterprise Architect elements or converting attributes of Redmine tickets to those of Enterprise Architect elements
Convert links to related tickets in Redmine to the relationships when importing Redmine tickets into Enterprise Architect items or converting attributes from Redmine tickets to those of Enterprise Architect items
Customisable attribute mapping